Sunday, April 25, 2010

Okey Dokie, Another Draft and a FInal go tomorrow

I'm actually quite happy with this, but fresh eyes will give me more insight :)

Another draft of my final

Today I spent a lot of time fixing the audio on this piece. Mainly I played with noise reduction and audio repair in Soundtrack Pro, re-recorded my voice over, and attempted to fix my mom's levels in her interview.

I also further edited the piece for cohesion and improved narrative qualities. Hopefully the difference is clear! But maybe not, which is always why I love feedback.

No new sound....

But... the Repair audio tutorials on just changed my life! It's so nice to hear Nonno and have it sound like he's in the room with me right now.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Another Final Addition

Hey blog readers,

I could really use your help! So, I'm sifting through hours and hours of material here, and this is what I've condensed down to so far. I think I might need to add a little bit of narrative to make the whole thing more cohesive. I also think that I may need to edit and shorten— Is this really boring anywhere? What should I change.

Needing a positive push— S

Monday, April 5, 2010

New Posting of my Final Piece

So, here is the latest version of my final project. I'm looking for any feedback you think could help me out as I continue working on this. I'm about to interview 4 people about this particular event, so I imagine things will change quite drastically in the near future but I'd still love your insight. What's working? What's really not working?

Thank you,


Sunday, April 4, 2010

A New Haiku

Hey everyone,

I have a new haiku, and I like the subject quite a bit so I'm excited to continue working on it. The sound space is Detroit's Eastern Market.

I think I'm going to put in a little narration but I'm not sure what I want to say yet. Eastern Market is a really special space for me. From the time I was 15 until I left for college my mom and I went there every Saturday to buy fruits and vegetables.

It was the first place that I really realized where food came from, and because of Eastern Market I eventually stopped eating meat. Anyway, here is the clip below. I think it needs a lot of work and finesse, but here's to beginnings!